by Barbaree | Mar 23, 2018 | Current Training, Featured Content, Our Blog
We hope the hints of spring are finding you. We’re delivering a little summer dreaming for you this month. Start planning now for some great geospatial workshop experiences around the US. Each of the workshops has a different focus and require different levels...
by Barbaree | Nov 20, 2015 | Conferences, Current Training, Presentation & Conference Archives
If you’re looking for cool things related to geospatial technology, digital maps and interactive online mapping….but need it to be free for your school. (Yes, FREE! No catch…really!) Join the TCEA GEOSIG and friends at one of these presentations...
by Emily Adams | Jan 17, 2014 | Conferences, Current Training, GIS Happenings, Our Blog
GeoTech allows teachers to explore the most cutting edge technologies available in education today. Industry and classroom leaders will offer hands-on workshops on using the latest tools in education to enhance curriculum and stimulate the imagination. Join us as we...
by Barbaree | Aug 1, 2012 | Current Training, Our Blog
July 11-19, 2013 (this trip will be open for all K-12 educators. Family members are welcome) July 11-19 2013: Join an exciting and enthusiastic group of educators and their families as they learn first-hand the wonders of active volcanism on the Big Island of Hawaii!...
by Barbaree | Apr 30, 2012 | Current Training
July 30 – August 3, 2012 Click here for printable registration form for Bismarck 2012 Geospatial technologies are recognized as one of the three highest growth industries in the US today. Learn how to incorporate the tools of this trade to support science,...
by Barbaree | Feb 15, 2012 | Current Training, GIS Happenings
We are blessed to have not one but TWO amazing featured lecturers booked for GeoTech 2012! GeoTech is less than a month away! Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to connect with our amazing line up of speakers! {click here for registration info} A dynamic young...
by Barbaree | Nov 28, 2011 | Current Training
We are eager to invite teachers of all levels to build their technology skills and experience sustainable development in Costa Rica. You will discover lush tropical environments ranging from rainforest, grasslands, rivers, foothills, and their impact on the marine...
by Barbaree | Nov 17, 2011 | Current Training, GIS Happenings
We are blessed to have not one but TWO amazing featured lecturers booked for GeoTech 2012! Keep an eye on the blog for monthly GeoTech spotlights, sharing more information on the upcoming event. We hope to see you there! {click here for registration info} Mireya...
by Barbaree | Nov 8, 2011 | Current Training
Costa Rica: June 30 – July 8 We are eager to invite teachers of all levels to build their technology skills and experience sustainable development in Costa Rica. You will discover lush tropical environments ranging from rainforest, grasslands, rivers, foothills,...
by Barbaree | Oct 15, 2011 | Conferences, Current Training, GIS Happenings, Our Blog
It is the mission of the Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT) to build a communitydedicated to advancing science teaching and learning. In a way that: Builds and strengthens networks for Texas educators Disseminates current scientific research Provides quality...
by Barbaree | Feb 16, 2011 | Conferences, Current Training, GIS Happenings, Our Blog, Past Training, Presentation & Conference Archives
Now in our 95th year, NCGE continues to both promote and celebrate geographic teaching and learning. Their activities include conducting and gathering research, producing journals and other geography publications, developing curricular resources at the K-12 and...
by Barbaree | Sep 16, 2010 | Current Training, GIS Happenings, Our Blog
This is the day one of the student Costa Rica field expedition led by Roger Palmer principle of GISetc and teacher of outdoor education at Bishop Dunne High School. In the morning, the students were led on a GPS tour of the coffee plantation at the Buena Vista Hotel...