Costa Rica: June 30 – July 8

We are eager to invite teachers of all levels to build their technology skills and experience sustainable development in Costa Rica. You will discover lush tropical environments ranging from rainforest, grasslands, rivers, foothills, and their impact on the marine national park of Marino Ballena. These 9 days will offer a blend of engaging hands-on experiences in digital technologies, useful in offering key community leaders and businesses valuable products, resulting in meaningful service.

For over a decade, GISetc has hosted trainings in fascinating settings to support classroom implementation of GIS technology. Incorporating field notebook observations, digital photography, GPS, and electronic probeware data inside of computerized maps, participants will be immersed in international community service learning. In the quest to inspire globally competitive graduates, this experience will be hard to beat. Easily transferable concepts and skills are polished in the context of world sustainable development!

GIS based field research will bolster your confidence to apply the tools and workflow back home in your classroom. Participants will work with local business and key conservation organizations working to understand and preserve both land and marine environments. All necessary equipment and supporting data will be provided and personal cameras, computing devices or research notebooks will be useful in capturing this comprehensive experience.