Since Cougar’s now in charge of our fun links, she decided to share a great article and map that shows where the (other) spoiled cats are. Be sure to follow the link to learn how this map was created and interact with the map to explore your area.

“More people own dogs than cats in general, but sometimes it’s more about the quality of the cat’s life than the quantity of animals, right? Turns out, people in some areas of the country demand more treats for their cats.

The results: The darker the block, the more demand it has for cat treats such as tuna flakes. Bluer blocks have less demand for cat treats compared to the rest of the country. (Usability note: You may have to zoom out a little after you type in your zip code in order to see the coloring.) The biggest dark patch in the country belongs to Idaho, where only one blue patch exists in the entire state…The biggest blue region in the country is southern California, where cat owners must deprive their cats of the joys of life. (Haha, kidding.)

This sort of info helps shop owners figure the best places to sell cat treats. But the map also shows whether or not people in your zip code are spoiling their cats, thus confirming any suspicions you had about your neighbors.”

Cougar’s Corner is a series of resources and fun, especially for students. We feature everything from games to apps, from websites to art projects to create with maps. Cougar’s Corner explores the web to put the FUN back in the fundamentals of geography and science.

Cougar’s Corner is named after our company mascot, Roger & Anita’s cat, Cougar. Read more about Cougar in our Company Bios, and our Virtual Tour.

At we curate and bring you the best geography and science resources from the web. We hope our sharing will keep you up to date on the latest science and geospatial news. Click here to view the full article in its original format from The Atlantic Wire by Serena Dai.