As a business we will not ignore the events around us. These are the times that shape us. Those in Boston will be added to the fabric of our growing list of prayers. As we grapple with the enormity of this and who could possibly choose to do something this awful, we CHOOSE to believe this…”The Good Outnumber You and We Always Will.”
“Monday’s Boston Marathon bombing prompted expressions of sympathy from humanity’s farthest-flung outpost: the International Space Station.
“Our crew just heard about the horrible events at the Boston Marathon,” the space station’s commander, Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, wrote in a Twitter update. “We all pass along our condolences and thoughts to everyone affected.”
Later, Hadfield tweeted a picture of the city at night in recognition of ‘a somber spring night in Boston.’ The horrible events in Boston may not have been visible from space — but Hadfield’s tweets demonstrate how we connect during times of tragedy, even when we’re off the planet.”
Read more about the Space Station’s sympathy here.
Originally posted at: by: Alan Boyle