Happy Halloween from GISetc!
Click on the map titles to explore all of our scary & fun map links!

Mapping the Zombies

This zombie shooting game is one of Google’s own creations. The game-play is very simple – you have one minute to shoot as many zombies as you can. Although I might be mistaken, the game seems to be taking place at the University of Southern California so those might be students and not zombies. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference.

The World’s Creepiest Places

This is a Google Maps mash-up of the creepiest places in the world. Go on, I dare you to visit The Manchac Swamp, a.k.a. the “haunted swamp”, where an imprisoned voodoo queen cast a curse on all those who visit. Mwaa ha ha …


Ghost Logs

If you are thinking of venturing out tonight, perhaps you should consult this map first. This color-coded Google Map mash-up geo-tags apparitions, demons, ectoplasm and many other types of spooky beings.