Directions Magazine has been privileged to work with some of the most influential minds in the geospatial industry. Over the years, we have showcased their innovations with the hope of inspiring our readers to greater heights. Dr. Joseph Kerski joins us for our successful series of interviews, GeoInspirations. He is interviewing some of those men and women who have changed the face of our industry, shining a light on the importance of geography and geospatial technology. We hope that you’re inspired to make a difference with geography in your corner of the world.

This episode of GeoInspirations features Eva Reid, GIS professional for the District of Columbia (Washington DC) and independent GIS consultant and mentor:  Learn about her work, her journey, and her vision for the future. Dr. Kerski shares, “I met Eva at a GIS conference during a presentation by Design with Nature author Ian McHarg in the 1990s. I have great respect for Eva’s tireless promotion of geospatial technology and spatial thinking across all disciplines, and in particular for her work in empowering women in technology. I believe her story is a fascinating one for those listening to the podcast—and for people to share with others!” 

Learn more about Eva. Read her articles here at Directions!


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