If you’re like us, you tuned in to watch the big Bonnie & Clyde mini series across multiple cable channels last weekend (or it’s sitting on your DVR waiting for your “free time”). Even Project Runway jumped on the Bonnie & Clyde bandwagon with a design challenge based on the 30’s.
Use this surge of pop culture awareness to start a conversation with your students. While we were expolring the web, swept up with Bonnie & Clyde mania, we discovered a fabulous interactive map made by MyReadingMapped that chronicles the duo’s crime spree from 1032-34. Explore it with your students and show them another way GIS can bring history to life and add context to the stories they read or movies they watch.
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The MyReadingMapped map of the activities of Bonnie and Clyde that this article mentions has been moved to http://climateviewer.org/index.html?layersOn=mrm-55