What are the most important sights to see around me?
What do others find interesting here?
Is there a museum, a castle, a park or church nearby?
What persons are related to this place?
Did a historic battle happen at this place?
Wikihood knows the answers to questions like these.
Wikihood is organizing the information of the Wikipedia for any place in the world. Within a few clicks you not only get access to all the locations around you, but also the vast information related to these locations categorized by “persons” and “culture/buildings”.
At a glance you see:
– which locations are closest to you
– what are the most important locations around you
– what do others find interesting in the proximity (15,000+ ratings)
– how do I get to a location using the map
You choose a location and they create your package individually – world-wide! Travel guides are no longer needed with Wikihood as your companion.