AroundMe quickly identifies your position and allows you to choose the nearest bank, gas station, hospital, hotel, movie theater, restaurant, supermarket, and taxi. It shows you a complete list of all the businesses in the category you have tapped on along with the distance from where you are.
For every listing you can choose to see its location on a map, view the route from where you are, add the information to your contact list or even email the information to a friend. The “nearby” listing allows you to find information using Wikipedia about what surrounds you.
We live in a society addicted to technology. More smartphones are being used in the classroom and in our offices every day. To help you leverage the technology available to you, we explore, try and share links to apps that can help you and your students.
Every week we select a new app and share its description in our “Apps We Love” column. We do not endorse devices from any one company or receive any kind of compensation for these features. We just share links to apps that can help you teach, learn, work and grow.