Welcome to our “Eat, Play, Map” Series of posts. Believe it or not, GISetc is on vacation! (Never fear, it’s a “working vacation”, we’re checking emails and keeping you posted during our journey. Be sure to follow our posts as we take to the rails and tour our great country by train!
Not only are we chronicling our journey, we are taking GPS tracks on our phones and also embedded pictures which we will be sharing from our trip. We are thrilled to take you with us on our great mapping adventure!
August 20, early – we just arrived in Albuquerque we have a beautiful view (panoramic picture). We are meeting today with the university to talk about a grant that they had received in from the intelligence community and see if we can help with their high school outreach. We will then drive over towards Santa Fe and visit the Los Alamos national laboratory’s Black hole salvage yard. We look forward to today, it’s a nice beautifully cool day and evening last night (much dryer than it was in Dallas Texas).
August 20, early afternoon – After meeting with Matthew at the University of New Mexico we had a great lunch at Cafe Green where they serve up a nice blend of southern food for you. We had a combination of Cuban sandwiches and grilled gnocchi with spinach and tomatoes They were fantastic! Now we are onto our next stop over to the train station to get tickets before heading to visit Los Alamos.
Be sure to read the “book” titles over this hilarious sot we passed on our way through the city (photo left).
August 20, mid afternoon – We are driving N. On Hwy. 25 from Albuquerque to Santa Fe, New Mexico. There are mountains to the right of us are towering and majestic. They are amazing…
Stay tuned for more from the GISetc Eat, Play, Map tour!